GKNM Hospital > Specialities > Laboratory Medicine > Division of Oncopathology, Surgical pathology, Histopathology

Division of Oncopathology, Surgical pathology, Histopathology

Division of Oncopathology, Surgical pathology, Histopathology Overview

We provide comprehensive services from GKNMH by providing a specialist tertiary referral and opinion on a regional basis as well.

  • The first and only Oncopathology Centre in the city.
  • First in the region to start Immunohistochemistry, Flow Cytometry, PCD diagnosis and Neuromuscular diagnosis.
The department is subdivided into functional units including
  • Surgical Histopathology
  • Immunohistochemistry and Research
  • Electron Microscopy
  • Enzyme Histochemistry
The surgical pathology workload is organized into a sub-specialist team reporting system, which includes
  • Gynaecological and obstetric pathology
  • Gastrointestinal, pancreaticobiliary and hepatic pathology
  • Renal, urological and endocrine pathology
  • Haematological and lymphoreticular pathology
  • Paediatric Pathology
  • Osteoarticular and soft tissue pathology
  • Head and neck pathology
  • Dermatopathology
  • Cardiothoracic and respiratory pathology
  • Ophthalmic pathology
  • IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY is performed in the Automated ROCHE VENTANA BENCHMARK XT IHC Staining Platform
  • Comprehensive Tumor Diagnostic panels with more than 100 markers
  • Non-tumor markers for Neuropathology, Hepatopathology, GI pathology, Transplant pathology, etc.
  • National and international EQAS programmes viz. National Cancer Grid (NCG) TMH, Mumbai, AIIMS, Delhi.
  • The utility of novel markers is expected to rise in the near future for which we are adequately equipped, skilled and experienced.
Frozen Section Intra Operative Diagnosis
  • One of the few centres to offer Rapid Intra operative diagnosis
  • Leica Cryostat with cutting edge technology with a TAT of 30 mins
  • Frozen section study for all resected margins, specially breast conservation surgery
  • Intraoperative consultation for cadaver liver transplant (donor liver suitability) is also provided here
  • Sentinel node biopsy
The Renal Lab
  • Renal lab deals exclusively with native and transplant renal biopsies.
  • Patients who have kidney problems would benefit from these tests. The kidney problems may range from early disease to end stage kidney failure. Similar to neuromuscular diseases, some are curable, some are inheritable and some are incurable. Patients benefit from medical treatment or early transplantation for non-curable diseases. Early successful transplantation can improve the quality of life dramatically.
Immunopathology Lab
  • Immunopathology lab deals exclusively with autoimmune disease diagnosis
  • Currently available tests include ANA and ANCA
  • The testing for systemic autoimmune diseases are in the pipeline
High Speed Video Microscopy (HSVM) for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
  • First hospital in the country to implement this screening test which will be used for patients with suspected Primary ciliary dyskinesia.
  • Nasal brushings are taken and ciliary motility is studied using a high speed video camera mounted on a light microscope. Together with clinical nasal Nitric oxide measurement it is a highly sensitive screening test. Electron microscopy and Immunofluorescence (confirmatory tests for PCD) are in the pipeline.
Investigations List
  • Small biopsy
  • Large biopsy
  • Medium biopsy
  • Breast ( MRM / BCS )
  • Breast ( MRM/BCS) + IHC
  • Large biopsy amputation
  • Staging laparotomy
  • Small biopsy + p16
  • Muscle biopsy
  • Nerve biopsy
  • Renal biopsy
  • Skin biopsy
  • Liver biopsy
  • FNAC
  • Fluid study
  • Bone marrow aspiration
  • Pap smear
Slide review
  • Slide/block review (HPC)
  • Slide review (FNAC/CYTO/BMA )
Frozen section
  • Frozen section study
  • Emergency frozen section
  • Immunohistochemistry 1 marker to 15 markers
  • Breast panel
  • Lymphoma panel
  • Sarcoma panel
  • Pulmo panel
  • Cervix vs Endo panel
  • Astrocytic Tumour panel
  • Gist panel
  • Neuroendocrine panel
  • Plasma cell panel
Other investigations
  • HSVM analysis for PCD
  • Intrinsic factor
  • Special stains
  • Slide block handling charges
  • ANA IF

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