GKNM Hospital > Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics

  • The Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics is vital in advancing medical research and improving patient care.  
  • Clinical epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of disease in human populations. It combines knowledge from various disciplines, including epidemiology, biostatistics, medicine, and public health, to understand disease causes, prevention, and management. By conducting observational studies and clinical trials, our epidemiologists contribute to identifying risk factors, evaluating diagnostic tests, and assessing therapeutic interventions.
  • Biostatistics, on the other hand, involves the application of statistical principles and methods to the design, analysis, and interpretation of biomedical data. Our biostatisticians collaborate with multiple clinical domains across the medical field, providing expertise in study design, data management, statistical modeling, and result interpretation. Their contributions ensure that research findings are statistically sound and can be translated into evidence-based clinical practice. 
Our Mission

Our mission is to promote the development and application of quantitative methods in clinical research, focusing on Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Data analytics, and Healthcare AI. Focussing on Improving treatment outcomes through innovative clinical research, Our mission is to advance the understanding and treatment of various disorders through cutting-edge clinical research, ultimately improving the lives of patients and their families. By collaborating with experts in multiple disciplines and fostering a culture of innovation, we translate scientific discoveries into practical solutions that benefit patients worldwide. 

Key Focus Areas

Some of the key areas of focus in our department include: 

  • Clinical Research Design & methodology: We provide expertise in designing and conducting observational studies, disease registries, clinical trials, and systematic reviews to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medical interventions. 
  • Biostatistics: Our department conducts detailed and latest analyses of healthcare data from various sources. We handle every step of the data cycle, from data collection, cleaning, curation, analyses, report generation, and visualization. 
  • Healthcare AI: We conceptualize, develop and validate AI / ML models to predict disease diagnosis, progression, treatment outcomes, and potential complications, aiding in personalized patient care. 
  • Health services & Operations research: Our work also evaluates healthcare delivery systems, resource allocation, and quality of care to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services. 
  • Education and training: We offer educational programs and training opportunities for students, residents, and healthcare professionals, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to apply epidemiological principles in clinical practice and research. 
  • Our department is committed to fostering a collaborative and interdisciplinary environment where researchers, clinicians, and students can work together to advance the field of clinical epidemiology and ultimately improve the health and well-being of our community. 
  • We invite you all to explore our department’s research activities, educational offerings, and opportunities for collaboration. 
  • Together, we can significantly impact clinical practice and patient care. 
Areas of Research
  • Cardiology & Cardiovascular surgery
  • Medical & Pediatric Oncology
  • Surgical Oncology – Head & Neck, Gynecologic and Gastrointestinal
  • Women’s health – Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
  • Paediatrics & Neonatology
  • Neurology & Neurosurgery
  • Nephrology, Urology and Kidney Transplant
  • Infectious disease
  • Medical, Surgical Gastroenterology & HPB Surgery
  • Hepatology, including Liver Transplantation
  • Dermatology & Aesthetics

Key expertise of the Clinical epidemiology department include: 

  • Highly motivated Clinical trial implementation unit
  • Impeccable integrity for Research Ethics and Data quality.
  • Institutional Ethics Committee with CDSCO/ ICMR registration number : 
  • NABH approved Institutional Ethics Committee
  • Scientific Committee assistance for Post-Graduate Resident projects, Clinician led Investigators-initiated studies, and pharma-sponsored trials
  • Support to achieve Quality standards of ICH GCP, CDSCO, ICMR and all other applicable national and global guidelines.
Research Team
  • Dr Manoharan, CMO & Director 
  • Dr Mathan K, Clinical Epidemiologist 
  • Ms. Pavithra Ramnath, Senior Research Associate
  • Mr. Janarthanan Maniyarasu, Biostatistician 
  • Technical Assistant
  • Data Manager
  • Data Management – REDCap, Open Data Kit, KoboToolBox
  • Data Analysis – Stata, SPSS, R / R Studio , Jamovi and JASP
  • Data storage – Amazon AWS / Azure
  • AI / ML Model development : PyTorch, Anaconda Environment
  • Institutional Ethics Committee
  • Well experienced CRC staffs
  • Network Facilities
  • Archival area
  • GCP Trained expert clinicians
  • Research grant writing: research proposal development for various community interventions and apply for research grants
  • Participant Recruitment and Enrolment:We have a dedicated team that assists in recruiting and enrolling eligible participants, ensuring diverse and representative study populations.
  • Data Collection and Management:We employ state-of-the-art technology and data management systems to ensure accurate and secure data collection throughout the study
  • Statistical Analysis and Reporting: Our biostatisticians and data analysts provide comprehensive statistical analysis and reporting services to support study findings and publication.
  • Manuscript writing : Our Epidemiologists provide writing services for Clinician initiated studies and provide assistance of Publication process
  • Publication: We extend a range of services from journal selection, Manuscript writing, Proof reading, Plagiarism checking and end to end handholding
  • Clinical Research & Biostaistics Internship: options are available from time to time. (Ref – Careers Section)
Contact Us
Construct of the department:
Ms. Pavithra Ramanath MPH (Glasgow), Senior Research Associate
Mr. JanardhananStatistician
Dr.K. Mathan MPH, Visiting Consultant