GKNM Hospital > Executive Team

Executive Team

Dr. Ragupathy Veluswamy

Dr. Ragupathy Veluswamy

Chief Executive Officer

CEO's Message

Healthcare is a serious and complex business, offering numerous challenges and plenty of opportunities. No health system, no matter how committed, can tackle all the challenges at the same time. But we do have to figure out a way to manage them. I believe the way to do this will be through the power of communication. We must improve communication between patients and their care givers. We must focus on providing patient-centered care, which means we must collectively talk with patients and their healthcare providers to understand and respond to their needs. We must be sure we focus on the whole patient too, taking into account the patient’s physical, mental and emotional health. Putting the patient at the center of all we do and supporting them with comprehensive communication between providers will allow us to create a better care delivery model and better outcomes.

Along with communication, we need to practice evidence-based medicine. Practicing evidence-based medicine means we must systematically approach healthcare problem solving by integrating the best available research evidence with our clinical expertise and the patient’s values in terms of employing interventions most likely to improve how long or how well the patient lives—on his or her terms.

Improving clinical outcomes is our key to moving toward healthcare excellence. Our future lies in developing a system where hospitals, physicians and patients truly partner for better outcomes; where all stakeholders communicate proactively and consistently; where we remove redundant processes to add value; where we take timely action on behalf of our patients with their collaboration and support; where we foster a community where partnership in health is a way of life.

The issues in healthcare and the strategies we execute now will determine the future of our hospital, our communities and our nation. We must move from a focus on acute care to the promotion of health. We must create a continuum of care that takes into account the total needs of the population we serve. We must deploy a holistic approach that brings together acute and chronic care, clinical and non-clinical care, prevention and overall physical and psychological wellness.

We have done much and learned even more. But, we’ve only just begun. Join me as we work together in achieving clinical and service excellence for the patients and their families who rely on us.

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Dr. G. Manoharan

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Madhavi Gopinath

MBBS, M.Phil
Director Quality Excellence

Dr. T. Sundara Rajan

Resident Medical Officer

Dr. S. Santosh Kumar Dora

MBBS, DNB (Anaes)., Fellow in Diabetology, MBA
Executive Medical Director

Dr. V. Santhosh

MBBS, MD (Anaes)., EDAIC., MBA
Medical Director - Operations
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