GKNM Hospital > Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology

Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology


Department of Radiology provides comprehensive diagnostic and interventional imaging services. It is dedicated to commensurate with all the health service providers. It is full-fledged, equipped with most advanced technologies and world-class facilities. It is available round the clock for providing emergency services. Interventional services include both vascular and guided non-vascular procedures. Our department is recognised for training post graduate students for DNB radiology course. We assure to provide prompt and precise evaluation. We believe in continuous upgradation of quality standards to ensure adequate patient satisfaction.
Radiology team comprise of dedicated and professional staff, who are continuously striving to carve out a trusted bond with patients in diagnostic and interventional imaging services. We are committed to professional and futuristic value based imaging services.

Picture Archival and communication systems (PACS) was installed in 2006 for the first time in Coimbatore, in which all your Radiology images and reports are stored perpetually.


We commit ourselves to :

  • To not practice Sex determinate of fetus
  • To practice ALARA (deliver lower possible radiation dose)
  • To ensure images and reports of highest quality within the stipulated time.


Related Specialities
Treatment & Procedures
Vascular Interventional Radiology
Diagnostic Radiology
  • Dual Source dual energy Multi-detector CT scan
  • 1.5 Tesla MRI Scan
  • Digital X-ray systems
  • Computed X- ray(CR)-(1)
  • Mobile X-ray machines: Conventional and Digital
  • Mammogram: Full field Digital Mammogram with tomo-synthesis and stereo-tactic biopsy.
  • Ultrasound with Colour Doppler and Elasto-graphy
  • Mobile ultrasound
  • Bone Mineral Density(DEXA scan)
Unique Features
Stroke Management
  • We are fully prepared to prioritize patients presenting with stroke and remove the clot in the blood vessels to brain within 60 minutes of arrival (Mechanical Thrombectomy). This results in dramatic recovery of neurological function and markedly reduced hospital stay and complication.
Intracranial Aneurysm Treatments
  • Through small holes of a few millimeters in your blood vessel in your groin, the life threatening aneurysm in blood vessels around brain can be treated with coils, thereby avoiding all the risks of an open surgical procedure. Even large aneurysm can be treated with devices called “FLOW DIVERTORS” GKNM Hospital is one of few centers to have successfully carried out this procedure.
256 slice CT Scan
  • This is a “State of art” machine capable of scanning your heart in 3 beats. This is designed to scan with least amount of radiation and contrast dose.  The advantages can also be experienced while scanning of brain, chest and abdomen.
Radiation Safety
  • Whether it is a simple X-ray or Mammogram or CT Scan we have the latest equipment to deliver the lowest possible Radiation dose with optimal image quality. Protocols (doses) are individualized to every patient based on size and weight with special attention to childern.
Team of Doctors

Dr. P. Sathish Prabhu


Chairperson – Department of Radiology

Dr. N. V. Anupama


Consultant Radiologist

Dr. Kaviyarasy T


Consultant Radiologist

Dr. Nandhini S


Consultant Radiologist

Dr. Saranya N


Assistant Radiologist

Dr. N. Akshay


Consultant Radiologist

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